Tonninger Schermaier & Partner is an exceptional firm in every respect. We have the know-how and the quality of a big law firm. At the same time, our manageable size and structure allows us to quickly and personally adapt to the needs of our clients. The professional and personal relationship we have with our clients is reflected in the loyalty of our employees. In addition to working at the highest professional level, it is important that our employees feel comfortable with us.
We focus on long-term cooperation and offer a partner perspective for each of our attorneys. Therefore, we take time in training each individual employee. Through our interest in a long-term cooperation, we train, not only associates, but also apprentices who are trained to learn the profession of law office assistant with us.
In order to strengthen the cohesion of our team, we organise regular social events. Because only in a harmonious team can we assist our clients in the best possible and most efficient way. We exemplify the motto: “We grow relationships.”
From our employees and prospective employees, we expect a sense of responsibility and excellent “people skills.” We offer a sound education and a special working environment that is truly unique for a law firm.
If you believe that you would fit into our team, please send your application materials to:
Tonninger Schermaier & Partner Rechtsanwälte
Rilkeplatz 8, 1010 Vienna
Good legal advice always primarily serves the economic success of the client.Dr. Bernhard Tonninger, Partner