
Dec 1st, 2023 / News, Media

Dr. Bernhard Tonninger

Interview in sortimenterbrief 12/2023 with Dr. Tonninger


In the 12/2023 issue of the magazine “sortimenterbrief”, Dr. Bernhard Tonninger is interviewed and talks about the law firm’s new focus on prosecuting and remedying price fixing violations by (foreign) retailers on the Amazon Marketplace, which is proving to be a major challenge.

Dr. Tonninger has been appointed as a book price trustee by the Association of the Book and Media Industry since 2005.

You can read the interview here.


Jul 13th, 2023 / News, Media

Dr. Bernhard Tonninger

Interview in the sortimenterbrief with Dr. Tonninger

In issue 7-8/2023 of the magazine “sortimenterbrief”, Dr. Bernhard Tonninger is interviewed and talks not only about the new practical commentary on the Book Price Fixing Act, but also about the focus of the price fixing law firm’s future work. Dr. Tonninger has been appointed book price trustee by the Association of the Book and Media Industry since 2005.

You can read the interview here.

May 31st, 2023 / Awards & Achievements

JUVE-Ranking IP/IT: Dr. Markus Albrecht – Rising star in IP and IT law

The steady upward trend in the field of trademark, copyright and unfair competition law at TS&P is also reflected in the current ranking by JUVE, the magazine for business lawyers.

Not only has TS&P improved significantly in the general ranking of law firms, but Dr. Markus Albrecht is also highlighted as one of four “rising stars in IP and IT law”. The ranking is published every two years.

Dr. Markus Albrecht


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